Troubleshoot > Troubleshooting Data Flow Management > Troubleshooting - Inventory Discovery > How to invoke discovery job relevant to the discovered device manually and check status to identify potential discovery errors?

How to invoke discovery job relevant to the discovered device manually and check status to identify potential discovery errors?

Question: For a discovered device, to identify any potential discovery errors, how should I invoke discovery job relevant to the device manually, and check the progress/on-going status of the discovery?

In DDMi, if you find any error in the discovery result, you can run the DDMi jobs in an ad-hoc way. In UD, similar jobs are available to provide similar functionalities.

The table below describes DDMi jobs and the corresponding UD jobs that can be run in an ad-hoc way:

DDMi Job UD Job
Deploy Agent Install UD Agent
Upgrade Agent Update UD Agent
Run Scanner Run Scanner
Retrieve Scan File Download Scan File
Uninstall Agent Uninstall UD Agent
Run Agentless Scanner Run Agentless Scanner
Enrich XML Parse Enriched Scan File
Run Rulebase The normalization functionality is included the Rerun Discovery option for each job
Run VMware Discovery VMware discovery jobs

For details, click the UD job of your interest in the table above.