Troubleshoot > Troubleshooting Data Flow Management > Troubleshooting - Inventory Discovery > How to check detailed discovery settings used in the discovery for a discovered device?

How to check detailed discovery settings used in the discovery for a discovered device?

Question: For a discovered device, how should I check the detailed discovery settings (such as job parameters and scan settings) used in the discovery?

In UD, there are two ways to check detailed settings used in the discovery:

  • From UI (the Properties tab and the Edit Inventory Discovery Activity dialog box)

    • Run jobs in Discovery Modules/Jobs

      The Properties tab of the Inventory Discovery by Scanner job displays all parameters and scanner settings of the job

      1. In UCMDB, go to Data Flow Management > Universal Discovery > Discovery Modules/Jobs tab.

      2. In the Discovery Modules tree, select Hosts and Resources > Inventory Discovery > Inventory Discovery by Scanner).

      3. In the pane, go to the Properties tab.

        All parameters and scanner settings of the job are displayed.

    • Run jobs in Zone-Based Discovery

      1. In the Data Flow Management module, go to Universal Discovery > Zone-Based Discovery.

      2. From the Management Zones tree, select a management zone.

      3. Right-click a discovery job and select Edit from the context menu.

        The Edit Discovery Activity dialog box opens.

      You can find the discovery job parameters and scanner settings in this dialog box.

  • From the Communication Log

    1. Modify the configuration of the adapter for the Inventory Discovery by Scanner job to make sure that the communication log is always created.

      1. In the Data Flow Management module, go to Adapter Management.
      2. In the Resources pane, expand InventoryDiscovery> Adapters > InventoryDiscoveryByScanner.
      3. In the right pane, click the Adapter Configuration tab.
      4. In the Execution Options section, set the following:

        • Create communication log: Always
        • Include results in communication log: Yes

    2. In UCMDB, go to Data Flow Management > Universal Discovery > Discovery Modules/Jobs tab.

    3. In the Discovery Modules tree, select Hosts and Resources > Inventory Discovery > Inventory Discovery by Scanner.

    4. (Optional) Right-click Inventory Discovery by Scanner), select Activate from the context menu if the job is not activated, and wait for the Triggered CIs list to refresh.
    5. In the Triggered CIs list in the Discovery Progress pane, click a number with link of your interest.

    6. In the Look for field that is just enabled, enter the IP address for the scanner and click .

    7. Right-click the returned entry, and from the context menu, select Debug > View Communication Log.

    8. In the log that opens, search keywords to check details:

      • To locate where the job parameters start in the log, search <params>.
      • To locate where the job parameters end in the log, search </params>.
      • To locate where the scanner configuration file is used in the log, search Config file to be used:.