Develop > Application Programming Interface > Legacy APIs > Values for the detail parameter

Values for the detail parameter

The detail parameter has the following values:

  • Required: Retrieves all the non-null and non-optional fields of an artifact. This includes fields with Java primitive types – byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean and char.
  • Basic: In addition to the Required fields of an artifact, retrieves nullable primitive types (Java wrapper classes) and Date, Time, TimeStamp and BigDecimal.
  • Standard: In addition to the Basic fields of an artifact, retrieves all non-CSA type fields.
  • Template: Retrieves all fields of an artifact except for artifact collection references and artifacts that are part of a containment relationship. This is same as the Full option without artifact collection references. This option is mainly used for performance reasons, because you could end up retrieving a large amount of data. For example, you can use this option if you do not want to load the base service instances when retrieving its service blueprint. Service instances are artifacts and are associated through a collection reference with its blueprint.
  • Full: All fields except for artifacts that are part of a containment relationship. Retrieval of the internal artifacts is controlled by the scope parameter. Using this option has a performance impact (See Template option) because this option also returns artifact collection references.

Note Some API calls do not support all possible values for this parameter.