Artifact API

Use this API to view, create, and modify artifacts.

This REST API is supported only for sequenced designs and not for topology designs.

Base URL



The following URIs are appended to the base URL:


URI Method Parameters Description
/artifact POST userIdentifier Create an artifact
/artifact/<artifact_id> GET userIdentifier, scope, detail, view View an artifact
/artifact/<artifact_id> PUT userIdentifier, scope, view Update an artifact
/artifact/<artifact_id> DELETE userIdentifier Delete an artifact
/artifact/fastview/<artifact_id> GET userIdentifier, view Retrieve a predefined view for an artifact
/artifact/<artifact_id>/resolveProperties GET userIdentifier, propertyName Retrieve resolved properties for an artifact


URI Method Parameters Description
/artifact/<organization_id>/group GET userIdentifier List active groups associated with an organization
/artifact/<organization_id>/group POST userIdentifier Add groups to an organization
/artifact/<organization_id>/group/<grou_id> PUT userIdentifier Update group display name, distinguished name
/artifact/<organization_id>/group/<group_id> DELETE userIdentifier Disassociate group from an organization

Resource Provider

URI Method Parameters Description
/artifact GET userIdentifier, artifactType List resource providers

Service Offering

URI Method Parameters Description
/artifact/<service_offering_id>/document POST userIdentifier Add document to service offering
/artifact/<service_offering_id>/document DELETE userIdentifier Delete document from service offering
/artifact/<service_offering_id>/document/<document_id> POST userIdentifier Update document in service offering
/artifact/<catalog_id>/publish POST userIdentifier Publish service offerings to catalog
/artifact/<catalog_id>/unpublish POST userIdentifier Unpublish service offerings from catalog

Note You can view information about an artifact with GET /artifact/<artifact_id> or GET /artifact/fastview/<artifact_id>. The fastview API can traverse associations, while the standard artifact API only returns information for the artifact.