Create approval policy


URI /organization/<organization_id>/approvalPolicy
Method POST

    Required; the user ID you want to use as credentials for this API call. See Get userIdentifier for the steps required to get the userIdentifier value.

Returns 200 - Ok
401 - Not authorized
404 - Object not found
500 - Server exception

The types of approval policies supported are: NamedApproverApprovalTemplate, NamedGroupApprovalTemplate, UserContextApprovalTemplate, and DelegatedApprovalTemplate.

In NamedApproverApprovalTemplate request body:

  • displayName is required.
  • approver is optional.
  • If there are no approver(s), the default value is 0. if there are approver(s), the default will be 1 and the value cannot exceed the number of approvers.
  • automaticApproval is optional. The default value is false. If it is true, the following are the valid values:
    • automaticPeriodDuration (in days) is optional. The default value is 0 and the valid values range from 0 to 365
    • automaticApprovalDecision is required; valid value is APPROVED or REJECTED.

Example request body:

  <displayName>Name Ex Template 03</displayName>

In NamedGroupApprovalTemplate request body:

  • displayName is required.
  • group's distinguishedName is required.
  • minApprovalRequired is optional and defaults value is 1. Value cannot be greater than the number of users in the group.
  • automaticApproval is optional. The default value is false. If it is true, the following are the valid values:
    •  automaticPeriodDuration (in days) is optional. The default value is 0 and the valid values range from 0 to 365
    • automaticApprovalDecision is required; valid value is APPROVED, or REJECTED.

Example request body:

  <displayName>Name Group Template 01</displayName>

In UserContextApprovalTemplate request body:

  • displayName is required.
  • minApprovalRequired is optional and defaults value is 1. Value cannot be greater than the number of users in the group.
  • automaticApproval is optional. The default value is false. If it is true, the following are the valid values:
    •  automaticPeriodDuration (in days) is optional. The default value is 0 and the valid values range from 0 to 365
    • automaticApprovalDecision is required; valid value is APPROVED, or REJECTED.

Example request body:

  <displayName>User ContextTemplate 01</displayName>

In DelegatedApprovalTemplate request body:

  • displayName is required.
  • processDefinition is required, ID is needed.
  • automaticApproval is optional and defaults value is 1. Value cannot be greater than the number of users in the group.
    • automaticPeriodDuration (in days) is optional. The default value is 0 and the valid values range from 0 to 365
    • automaticApprovalDecision is required; valid value is APPROVED, or REJECTED.

Example request body:

  <displayName>Name Ex Template 03</displayName>


The following URL will be sent to create an approval policy with two named approvers:

https://<host>:<port>/csa/rest/organization/8a81818f3d1421e7013d1423635a0003/ approvalPolicy?userIdentifier=90d96588360da0c701360da0f1d5f483

The following XML will be sent in the request:


The following XML will be returned:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <createdBy> ... </createdBy>
  <updatedBy> ... </updatedBy>
    My-New-Approval-Template_February 26, 2013 7:19:47 PM UTC
  <state> ... </state>
    <description>Approval Template</description>
  <ownedBy> ... </ownedBy>
    <description>Named Approver Template</description>
  <automaticApprovalDecision> ... </automaticApprovalDecision>