Develop > Application Programming Interface > Legacy APIs > Organization API > List most requested, recently requested, or new offerings

List most requested, recently requested, or new offerings


URI /organization/offering
Organization is determined by userIdentifier.
Method GET

    Required; the user ID that you want to use as credentials for this API call. See Get userIdentifier for the steps required to get the userIdentifier value.

    Optional; the ten most requested, most recently requested, or newly released offerings in all catalogs for the organization are returned.

Returns 200 - Ok
401 - Not authorized
404 - Not found
500 - Server exception


The following URL was sent:


The following XML was returned in the response:

     <description>Ready to do more today? Standardize on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and get more of everything you expect from an enterprise-class open source operating system with flexibility, efficiency and control.</description> 
     <detailedDescription>Ready to do more today? Standardize on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and get more of everything you expect from an enterprise-class open source operating system with flexibility, efficiency and control.</detailedDescription> 
     <name>Enterprise Red Hat Linux Server</name> 
     <displayName>Enterprise Red Hat Linux Server</displayName> 
         <displayName>Application Servers</displayName> 