Develop > Application Programming Interface > Legacy APIs > User API > Delete multiple service requests

Delete multiple service requests


URI /user/multipleRequest/delete
Method POST

    Required; the user ID you want to use as credentials for this API call. See Get userIdentifier for the steps required to get the userIdentifier value.

Returns 200 - Ok (Indicates the REST call executed without error. See XML return content for whether all specified requests were deleted.) 
401 - Not authorized
404 - Object not found
500 - Server exception

A request can only be deleted if its state is APPROVED, DENIED, or CANCELED. 


Use the following URL:

https://<host>:<port>/csa/rest/user/multipleRequest/delete ?userIdentifier=90d965c0379fd06601379fd192b30ee6

The following XML was sent in the request:


The following XML was returned in the response. The count value indicates the number of service requests successfully deleted. A ServiceRequest element is included for each deleted service request.
