Develop > Application Programming Interface > Legacy APIs > User API > Get list of all components of a specific type for a specific user

Get all components of a specific type for a specific user


URI /user/mycomponents?userIdentifier=<userId>&componentType=<comma-separated values of a componentType>&componentTypeWildcard=<comma-separated values of type that are treated with wild card>&creationDateBegin=<creationDateBegin>&creationDateEnd=<creationDateEnd>&updatedDateBegin=< updatedDateBegin>&updatedDateEnd=< updatedDateEnd>&returnActiveOnly=<true|false>&GMT=<true/false>
Method GET


Required; the user ID you want to use as credentials for this API call. This user should be a consumer user with the necessary permissions for the data you want to work with. See Get userIdentifier" for the steps required to retrieve the userIdentifier value.

componentType=<comma-separated values>

Optional; Specify the component name to retrieve. This parameter takes comma-separated values such as SERVER,INFRASTRUCTURE.

componentTypeWildCard=<comma-separated values>

Optional; use this parameter to specify the component name to retrieve.

This parameter takes comma-separated values. The names are appended with wildcard characters and should not be specified. For example, the value Server retrieves all components of type SERVER, SERVER_GROUP, or Server.

Using this parameter may affect the performance of the API. You should use the componentType parameter whenever possible.

creationDateBegin: <yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss>

Optional; subscriptions created on or after the start date and time are included in the return.

creationDateEnd: <yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss>

Optional; subscriptions created before the end date and time are included in the return. Note that the creationStartDate parameter must also be specified.

updatedDateBegin: <yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss>

Optional; subscriptions updated on or after the specified start date and time are included in the return.

updatedDateEnd: <yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss>

Optional; subscriptions updated before the specified end date and time are included in the return. Note that the modificationStartDate parameter must also be specified.

returnActiveOnly: true/false

Optional; specifying true for this parameter returns only subscriptions that are not in retired state.

GMT : true/false

Optional; specifying true for this parameter configures CSA to interpret date-related parameters in GMT. This is important if the application communicating to CSA is not in the same time zone.

Note: In all date parameters, T serves as a separator between date and time and time defaults to 00:00:00:00 if not specified.
Returns 200 - Ok
401 - Not authorized
404 - Not found
500 - Server exception


The following URL was sent:


The following XML was returned:

Subscription 0 for 9038afc8465b3f9801465b56ad5e001b
   <values />
   <values />
    <values />
</ ServiceSubscription>