Consumption APIs

The following public API calls provide access to CSA consumer data. These calls were introduced in CSA 4.x and can be exercised through a browser at: https://<host>:<port>/csa/apidocs.jsp (substitute the host and port information appropriate for your CSA environment). You can make API calls and view the response from your server. This set of API calls is referred to as the Consumption APIs.

Note The API calls found in this interactive content can also be exercised programmatically or through a REST client. These consumption APIs are not documented in this guide.

The consumption APIs are made up to two groups ( management APIs and consumer APIs), based on the use cases they address. The management API includes calls needed in CSA management roles such as system administrators, service designers, and so on. The consumer API includes calls needed in CSA consumer actions, such as shopping for and managing IT services.

The management API uses basic authentication whereas the consumer API starts with /mpp and use the X-Auth-Token parameter that is retrieved from the idm-service token call.

List of management APIs

API Description
blueprint Get information for blueprints
capsule Install, list, and view capsule content
catalog Manage service catalogs
component-template Manage service topology component templates
component-type Manage service topology component types
composition List the candidate topologies that can fulfill the given partial topology
constraint View property constraints
deployment Manage service topology deployments

Manage process definitions


Manage high-level design information


Manage the graph definition of a design

group Manage groups
instance Manage service instances
javascriptstore Manage the javascript respository
lifecycle View lifecycle actions

Manage metamodels for topology and sequence designs

option-model Manage the option model
offering Manage the association between resource offerings and resource providers

Retrieve palettes related to designs

property Manage properties
binding Manage option model property binding
processengine Manage process engines
provider Manage resource providers
request Manage service requests
offering Manage resource offerings
subscription Manage subscriptions
tag Manage tags
topology Manage service topologies
useraccess Manage user access for service design containers

Note API calls including “(internal use only)” in their description should not be used. These are intended for CSA product development only.

List of consumer APIs

API Description
csa-group Manage groups (Can only be used by consumer administrators.)
csa-organization View information about organizations (Can only be used by consumer administrators.)
csa-user View users (Can only be used by consumer administrators.)
mpp-approval Manage approvals
mpp-blobstore Manage small files such as icons
mpp-cart Manage carts
mpp-catalog Manage catalogs
mpp-category View categories
mpp-detail Manage service details
mpp-instance View service instance information
mpp-notification View subscriptions and notifications
mpp-offering View service offerings
mpp-order Place an order and manage existing orders
mpp-organization View organization information
mpp-processengine Manage process engines
mpp-property View dynamic property's values
mpp-request Manage service requests
mpp-subscription Manage subscriptions
mpp-tag Manage tags
mpp-user View user information
mpp-wizard Read a wizard offering with Marketplace Portal

Note API calls including “(internal use only)” in their description should not be used. These are intended for CSA product development only.

See Using consumption API with a browser for more information on executing an API call from this interactive content.

The following is an example of the content displayed for a consumption API call:

You can click on any of the methods listed to get detailed content for that call, and an interactive "Try it out!" feature.

The content provides the following information:

  • Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) syntax for each call
  • Query parameters
  • Data type of each parameter
  • Model and schema information, if applicable
  • Interactive "Try it out!" dialog that lets you submit calls to the server, view the results, and understand how to construct the REST URIs and any request body.

The following is an example of the information displayed when you click DELETE: