Integrate > Integrate with content capsules > Install Content Capsule > Cloud Content Capsule Installer > Troubleshoot > Launch the Cloud Content Capsule Installer if Java_Home is not Defined

Launch the Cloud Content Capsule Installer if Java_Home is not Defined

  1. By default, the Cloud Content Capsule Installer checks and expects the JAVA_HOME and path variable set.
  2. JAVA_HOME and path variable can point to an external or internal JRE (OpenJRE of CSA).
  3. By default, the installer checks the external JRE in the path. If the JRE is not found, the installer will point to the internal JRE (CSA_HOME/OPENJRE).
  4. If the user is not using the external JRE, user can invoke the Cloud Content Capsule Installer by setting the OpenJRE to JAVA_HOME and the path to JAVA_HOME/bin in environment variable.