Integrate > Integrate with content capsules > Install Content Capsule > Cloud Content Capsule Installer

Cloud Content Capsule Installer

The Cloud Content Capsule Installer provides a unified and graphical interface for installing and updating content for Cloud Service Automation (CSA),Codar, and Operations Orchestration. This topic provides a series of steps to prepare, install, and enable the new content.

Note The installation procedures explained in this document is applicable to both CSA and Codar contents.

Products compatible with Content Capsule Installer

Component Supported Version Recommended Version
CSA 4.70 or later


Operations Orchestration 10.10, 10.21, 10.22, 10.50, 10.60


Codar 1.70 or later 1.90

Following topics are covered:


Capsule Uninstallation

Currently the Capsule Installer does not support uninstallation of a Capsule.