
This section describes installation prerequisites and the installation modes.


Make sure you have the following software available on the target server where the CSA and CODAR are installed:

Verifying the JRE Version

To check the version of the JRE. Enter the following command at the command prompt of the target server:

java -fullversion

Verifying Cloud Content Capsule Installer

If you have downloaded the ITOM Marketplace version of the HPE Cloud Content Capsule Installer, you can verify if it is the latest version by performing any one of the below steps:

  1. Execute the installer from the command line of the target server with any of the below inputs:

    For example: java -jar CapsuleInstaller.jar -v or java -jar CapsuleInstaller.jar -version

    If the installer fails to handle this command-line argument flag properly, then the version that you have downloaded is not the latest.

  2. View the title bar for the installer. The installer title bar must display the current version of the installer.

  3. Open the help screen with -? or -h or -help option for available options to execute using this installer.

Set Environment Variable (Linux only)

If you are installing on a Linux server, then you must set an environment variable by executing the following command from a console:

#export CSA_HOME=<CSA installed path>

For example, #export CSA_HOME=/usr/local/hp/csa

Note: You must run the Cloud Content Capsule Installer from the same shell, where this variable is exported unless it is set as part of the user profile.

Check Certificate on Remote Operations Orchestration (OO) Server

If you have installed HPE OO on a remote server, then you must make sure that the certificate has been imported to the certStore on the CSA server. The certificate for the remote OO server is imported into CSA during the installation of CSA. We recommend you to test the connection as this is required for the installer to perform process definition with a remote OO Server.

For information about how to set up the OO certificate, see Cloud Service Automation Installation Guide at You need to enter HP Passport credentials to access the website. Click Dashboards > Manuals. In the Search for Answers text box, enter the document name and click the Search icon. Matching results will be displayed.

Download CSA Content Capsule Installer from ITOM Marketplace

  1. Go to
  2. Download the CSA Content Capsule Installer.