Use > Marketplace Portal > Services > Service Catalog > Filter the Service Catalog

Filter the Service Catalog

In the Marketplace Portal Browse Catalog view, you can change the order in which service offerings are displayed. By default, service offerings are sorted alphabetically, by all categories, and by all service types. Use the following filters to display certain service offerings:

All Categories

By default, service offerings are sorted by all categories. To meet the needs of your organization, category types are customizable.

The following, out-of-the-box, sample categories are provided: Accessory, Application Servers, Application Services, backup Services, Database Servers, Hardware, Infrastructure Services, Platform Services, Simple System, and Software.

Note Excluding All Categories, these categories depend on the configuration of the current CSA installation. Only categories with active service offerings will display. New categories can be added to the current CSA instance.

To sort the service catalog by a certain category

  • From the All Categories drop-down list, select a category that you want to sort by.

All Service Types

By default, service offerings are displayed by all service types. You can also display service offerings that require approval or that do not require approval.

To sort the service catalog by a certain service type

  • From the All Service Types drop-down list, select one of the following sort values:

Sort Value Description
All Service Types Includes all service types described in this table. This is the default.
Approval Required Service offerings that require approval.
No Approval Required Service offerings that do not require approval.


By default, service offerings are sorted alphabetically. You can also sort offerings by newest, oldest, most expensive, least expensive, or reverse alphabetical.

To sort the service catalog by a certain order

From the drop-down list, select one of the following sort values:

Sort Value Description
Newest First The service offering that has the most recent published date.
Oldest First The service offering that has the oldest published date.
Most Expensive The service offering that has the highest initial price.The cost of the service offering that is used to sort this list excludes the periodic fee.
Least Expensive The service offering that has the lowest initial price. The cost of the service offering that is used to sort this list excludes the periodic fee.
Alphabetical Service offerings are sorted alphabetically, from A to Z. This is the default.
Reverse Alphabetical Service offerings are listed by reverse alphabetical order, from Z to A.