Use > Marketplace Portal > Services > Service Catalog > Browse the Service Catalog

Browse the Service Catalog

In the Marketplace Portal, you can browse the service catalog in the Browse Catalog view by a list display or by a grid display.

A list display that includes information about the service, such as the name of the service, the service icon, a brief description, the published date, pricing, and whether it requires approval.

A grid display that includes the name of the service, the service icon, pricing, and indicates whether it requires approval.

Note For each service offering, pricing precision displays up to five digits.

In the Browse Catalog view, some service offerings in this list display the initial price of the subscription and the recurring fee for the subscription, and some service offerings do not display these prices. Your Consumer Organization Administrator configures the option to show or hide this pricing information in Marketplace Portal views. Depending on the configuration setting, these prices will or will not display in several views within the Marketplace Portal, such as Browse Catalog, Browse Catalog Details, Requests, Request Details, Request Confirmation, Subscriptions, and Subscription Details. As a best practice, your Consumer Organization Administrator might want to hide these prices if they will be used for department bill back purposes. For more information, see the CSA Management Console Help.

Tip Click the magnifying glass to find a certain service offering by a meaningful keyword. Search results display in the Browse Catalog view.

To browse the service catalog:

  1. In the Dashboard, in the Shop for Services section, select the All Services tile to open the Browse Catalog view. By default, this view displays an alphabetical list of all available services in the catalog. If you prefer a grid display, click the grid icon .
  2. Scroll up or down the list to browse available offerings in the service catalog. A service offering can have documents, such as service level agreements and terms and conditions, attached to it. Per each document, the file size must not exceed 15 MB. The total size of all attached documents must not exceed 100 MB.

    Note You must use Internet Explorer 10.0 or higher to attach documents to a service offering.

  3. When you find a service offering that you are interested in, select its icon or name to display the Browse Catalog Details view.

Note Increasing the quantity for a service option may also increase the price for other options. For example, if you add a server then the number of CPUs and memory will increase, potentially increasing the price of each. For more information, see the CSA Management Console Help.