Use > Marketplace Portal > Subscriptions > Filter Subscriptions

Filter Subscriptions

By default, the Subscriptions view displays all categories, the newest subscriptions first, and all subscription states. Use the following filters to display certain subscriptions:

  • All Categories
  • All Subscription Statuses
  • Newest First
  • Health Status

Note These filters are displayed in the user interface only when your browser is set to more than 992 pixels wide. If your browser is set to 992 pixels or less than 992 pixels wide, these filters are not displayed and only the magnifying glass is displayed.

Tip In the Subscriptions view, click the magnifying glass to find a certain subscription by keywords. Enter text that represents what you are looking for so that the user interface filters out these specific items.

All Categories

You can subscribe to a variety of services, such as application servers, email servers, or web hosting services. You can filter by these services, as categories, to easily navigate to and review your subscriptions.

All Subscription Statuses

From the All Subscription Statuses drop-down list, select one of the following filter values:

Subscription State Description
All Subscription Statuses Includes all subscription states described in this table.
Active Subscriptions that are active.
Pending Subscriptions that are waiting to be approved.

Subscriptions that have expired.

Canceled Subscriptions that have been canceled.
Terminated Subscriptions that have been terminated.
Paused Subscriptions that failed to deploy and have been paused for troubleshooting.

Newest First

From the Newest First drop-down list, select one of the following filter values:

Option Description
Newest First The most recent subscription, based on the date the subscription started, is the first subscription in the list. This is the default.
Oldest First The oldest subscription, based on the date the subscription started, is the first subscription in the list.
Most Expensive The most expensive subscription.
Least Expensive The least expensive subscription.
Alphabetical The list is ordered alphabetically, from A to Z.
Reverse Alphabetical The list is ordered in reverse alphabetical order, from Z to A.

Health Status

You can filter by the following health status values:

  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Critical
  • Suspended
  • Powered off
  • Unknown