Use > Policies > Create a new policy

Create a new policy

Use the following steps to create a new policy.

  1. Navigate to the Policies list.
  1. From Actions, select New Policy.

    The New Policy dialog box is displayed.

  2.  Complete the following fields:

    • Name: (required) - Enter a policy name.
    • Description: (optional) - Enter a policy description.
    • Effective Date: - Use the Pick Date calendar to select an effective date. The default is today's date.
    • Default Measurement SLO: - The measurement SLO is the time frame in which a business service must be measured against a particular policy. Select a default measurement SLO (the system default is Within 1 Month). This SLO value is the default used when you create a new SoA with this policy (see Create a new Statement of Applicability).
    • Default Remediation SLO (in days): - The remediation SLO is the time frame in which a non-compliant IT resource needs to be remediated against a particular requirement. Enter a default remediation SLO (default is 14 days). This SLO value is the default used when you create a new SoA with this policy (see Create a new Statement of Applicability).
  3. Press OK to create revision 1 of a new policy in draft state.

From the Details view, you can add, edit, or delete requirements and rules.

Use the Actions dropdown list to submit the policy to the next workflow state.

Where to go from here

Create an SoA to tie the policy to a business service.

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