Use > Service Automation Visualizer > ACLs and server pool configurations

ACLs and server pool configurations

For network devices — such as firewalls, load balancers, routers, switches — you can view Access Control List (ACL) configuration information. For load balancers, you can view server pool configuration (in addition to ACLs).

You also can compare ACL and server pool configurations between two devices in the same snapshot, or when in comparison mode, between the same device in the two different snapshots.

This section shows you how to perform the following tasks:

Viewing ACLs

In SAV, you can view ACLs for network devices such as firewalls, load balancers, routers, switches.

To view ACL configuration information, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Network Map or Devices Tree, select a network device that has ACLs configured for it, right-click, and select View ACL Configuration. The Access Control Lists window opens.

    You can also access the Access Control Lists window by:
    • From the Properties pane of the selected device, click the View link in the ACLs property.
    • Select View ACL Configuration from the Manage menu, or right-click on the device.
  2. In the Access Control List window, you can select and copy the text information. Also, from the drop-down list at the top of the window, you can select other devices in the snapshot that contain ACLs and view them. You can also search for specific text strings in the current ACL configuration, highlight strings, and perform other search functions.
  3. When you are finished viewing ACLs, click Close.

Comparing ACLs — Two Devices In Same Snapshot

You can compare ACL configurations between any two devices in the same snapshot, or you can compare ACLs between the same device in two different snapshots. For information on how to compare the same device between two snapshots, see Comparing ACLs — Same Device Between Two Snapshots.

To compare ACL configurations for two devices in the same snapshot, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Devices Tree, expand the Network Devices node.
  2. Press and hold the Control button on your keyboard, and then select two network devices that have ACLs configured, such as a load balancer, a firewall, router, or LAN switch. (To see if a network device has ACLs configured, select the device and look for ACLs in the Properties pane.)
  3. From the Manage menu (or, right-click), select Compare ACL Configuration. In the Compare window, you see two panes side by side, each representing on of the devices you are comparing. At the bottom of each pane is the name of the device.

    To indicate the differences for each ACL configuration, the Comparison window uses the following colors:

    • Green: This indicates that information only exists in device on the right side of the window.
    • Blue: This indicates that information has been modified.
    • Red: This indicates that information only exists in device on the left side of the window.
    • Black: This indicates no changes.

    To move through differences between the two configurations, click the arrow buttons at the right top of the window.

  4. When you are finished viewing the differences, click Close.

Comparing ACLs — Same Device Between Two Snapshots

To compare ACLs between the same device in two different snapshots, perform the following steps:

  1. From the View menu, select Compare. (Or, click Compare on the SAV toolbar). The Compare pane appears.
  2. Click Select. The Select Comparison Snapshot window opens.
  3. Select a snapshot you want to compare against the currently loaded snapshot.
  4. Next, select if you want to show either ANY or ALL of the selected objects (plus their attributes) that are different to show when you compare snapshots.
  5. From the drop-down list, select an object category for the device type for which you want to compare ACLs.
  6. As you create comparison rules, SAV automatically displays any or all differences in the Differences pane.
  7. To view differences in other maps, you can select a map, and all objects that are found to exist will appear normally. All objects that are listed as missing appears grayed out. You can also select other criteria in the Difference pane drop-down list to filter the results of the comparison in more granular detail.
  8. To close the Compare pane, from the View menu, select Compare again. (Or, click Compare on the SAV toolbar.)

Comparing Server Pool Configuration

You can compare server pool configurations between any two load balancers in the same snapshot.

To compare server pool configurations between the same load balancer in two different snapshots, see Comparing snapshots for more information.

To compare server pool configurations for two load balancers in the same snapshot, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Devices Tree, expand the Network Devices node.
  2. Press and hold the Control button on your keyboard, and then select two load balancers that have a server pool configuration. To see if a load balancer has a server pool configured, select the device and look for Server Pools in the Properties pane.
  3. From the Manage menu (or, right-click), select Compare Server Pool Configuration. In the Compare window, you see two panes side by side, each representing on of the devices you are comparing. At the bottom of each pane is the name of the device.

    To indicate the differences for each server pool configuration, the Comparison window uses the following colors:

    • Green: This indicates that information only exists in device on the right side of the window.
    • Blue: This indicates that information has been modified.
    • Red: This indicates that information only exists in device on the left side of the window.
    • Black: This indicates no changes.

    To move through differences between the two configurations, click the arrow buttons at the right top of the window.

  4. When you are finished viewing the differences, click Close.

Viewing Server Pool Configuration

To view server pool configuration for a load balancer, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Network Map or Devices Tree, select a load balancer that has server pool configurations, right-click, and select View Server Pool Configuration. The Server Pools window opens.

    You can also access the Server Pools window by:
    • From the Properties pane of the selected device, click the View Server Pools in the load balancer properties.
    • Select View Server Pool Configuration from the Manage menu.
  2. In the Server Pools window, you can select and copy the text information. Also, from the drop-down list at the top of the window, you can select other devices in the snapshot that contain server pool configurations and view them. You can also search for specific text strings in the current server pool configurations, highlight strings, and perform other search functions.
  3. When you are finished viewing server pool configuration, click Close.