Use > Service Automation Visualizer > Accessing servers and devices from SAV

Accessing servers and devices from SAV

To help you troubleshoot and take action for server and application errors, SAV gives you easy access to servers and devices through the following methods:

Opening the device explorer

To view detailed information about a server or a device (network device) using the Device Explorer, perform the following steps:

SAN switches cannot be opened in the Device Explorer from inside SAV.

  1. In one of the SAV maps, select one or more servers.
  2. Right-click and then select Open in Device Explorer to open a Device Explorer in the SA Client for each selected server.

See the SA 10.50 User Guide for information about how to use the Device Explorer in the SA Client.

Opening a remote terminal

The Remote Terminal enables you to log into devices (servers and network devices) and run native commands.

The Open a Remote Terminal feature is not available for VMware ESXi hypervisor servers.

To open a Remote Terminal from SAV:

  1. In one of the SAV maps, select one or more servers.
  2. Right-click and then select Open Remote Terminal to open the Select Remote Login window.
  3. In the Login column, select a login ID from the drop-down list, such as root or LocalSystem, or any of the user logins that might be configured.
  4. Click OK to open a Remote Terminal for each selection.

See the SA 10.50 User Guide for information about using utilities in a Remote Terminal.

Opening a Global Shell

You can use the Global Shell feature to navigate between servers and connected network devices by tracing their layer 1 connections in the /opsw/Servers/@ and /opsw/Network/@ directories in the OGFS.

In the OGFS, you can also run scripts to perform the following tasks:

  • Find servers and network devices.
  • Find all servers that are connected to a certain switch.
  • Display the network interfaces of a certain server.
  • Get the IP addresses of all devices.
  • Compare two files to identify changes made, such as what changes were made to a device configuration (.conf) file.
  • Change device details, such as the snmp-location.

To launch the Global Shell, perform one of the following tasks:

  • From the File Menu, select Global Shell.
  • Select the toolbar icon.

See the SA 10.50 User Guide for information about how to use Global Shell.