Use > Server Automation > Getting Started with the SA Client > About the SA Client Launcher

About the SA Client Launcher

The SA Client Launcher allows you to run the SA Client and connect to any of your SA cores. The SA Client lets you view, automate, and manage the devices in your data center.

The SA Client Launcher is a self-contained Java application that allows you to access the SA Client from any core in your mesh. You can use the SA Client Launcher to download the latest version of the SA Client. If the SA Client has been upgraded on a specific core or on a core in a different mesh, you can choose which core you would like to use for downloading the SA Client.

You also have the option of choosing which core you want to use to download the latest version of the SA Client, separate from the core you log in to. For example, when you log into a core and that core has a new version of the SA Client, the new version will automatically be downloaded when you log in. Using the launcher, you can choose one core to log in to and a separate core to download the latest client.

The SA Client Launcher also allows you to configure advanced settings, such as debug settings, locale settings, proxy server settings, and more. See SA Client Launcher advanced options.

SA Client and SA Client Launcher requirements

The SA Client is a Java application that installs and runs with its own Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The SA Client will not interfere with any other JRE versions installed on your system. The JRE will not be used (and is not usable) by any other Java application on the target computer, and it will not set itself as the default JRE on the target computer.

The SA Client runs on most Microsoft Windows operating systems. For a list of the specific operating systems, versions, and system requirements for the SA Client, see SA Client Platforms in the SA 10.50 Support and Compatibility Matrix.

You must download and install the SA Client Launcher (see the download link on the SA Client Main Page). In order to install the launcher, you must be a Windows user that has permission to install applications on your system.