Use > Server Automation > Getting Started with the SA Client > Copying and pasting table data

Copying and pasting table data

In this release, you can copy and paste data from tables inside the SA Client into other applications. For example, if you are viewing a list of managed servers, Windows Audits, Solaris 10 patches stored in the SA Client Library, or jobs scheduled to run in the next month, you can select one or more rows in the list, and then copy and paste them into a text file, email message, spreadsheet application, or other document processor.

The following restrictions to this capability:

  • Column headings for a list are not selectable. This means that they are always copied.
  • Values in the copied list might appear differently when pasted into a target application, depending on how the target application renders tables.
  • The target application must understand a table description either in HTML format (with mimetype “text/html”) or as a tab/newline delimited string (with mimetype “text/plain”)

To copy and paste table data in the SA Client, perform the following steps:

  1. From inside the SA Client, browse to the table that you want to copy.
  2. Make sure that the application you want to paste the data into is open.
  3. Select the rows you want to copy.
  4. To copy the rows, perform one of the following actions:
    • Press CTRL + C.
    • From the Edit menu, select Copy.
    • Use the cursor to drag the rows.
  5. In the application you want to paste this data into, place the cursor and press CTRL + V or drop the rows if you are dragging them with the cursor. The data is copied.