Use > Server Automation > Getting Started with the SA Client > Sharing SA Client objects with drag and drop

Sharing SA Client objects with drag and drop

You can easily drag and drop servers and other SA Client objects out of the SA Client and into an email, a chat window, or a document editor. When you drag an object out of the SA Client, a URL is constructed that enables you to launch the object in the SA Client.

You can share such SA Client objects as servers, application configurations, audits, a Business Application, Patch Policies, OS Profiles, and more — basically, any device (server, network, and so on) or any object from in the SA Library that is searchable.

You can also use the URL that is created during drag and drop as a link on a web page, which gives you easy access to those SA objects you are most interested in.

Note In order to drag and drop networking devices from the SA Client, you must have a licensed version of Network Automation (NA) integrated with your SA core.

To drag and drop a SA Client object, perform the following steps:

  1. From inside the SA Client, select a server, network device, device group, Patch Policy, a Business Application, an audit, or any other object in a table.
  2. CTRL+drag the selected object to one of the following locations:
    • Document editor
    • Chat window text entry box
    • Email
  3. When you or another user clicks the link, you are asked to open or save the file. After the file is downloaded and saved, click Open.
  4. In the HPE Server Automation Client Login window, enter the SA core server you want to log in to and click Continue. In the next window, enter your SA user name and password and click Log In.

    If the SA Client is already opened, and the object you are opening belongs to the core you are logged into, the object appears in its own window without requiring you to log in.

    Besides CTRL+drag, you can also use the Edit > Copy menu, or SHIFT+CTRL+C to copy the link into the Windows clipboard, and then paste it into another application.