Use > Software management > Creating and managing software policies > Viewing properties of software resources in a software policy

Viewing properties of software resources in a software policy

Once you have added software resources to a policy you can view the properties of the software resource in the software policy. For example for a package you can view the install flags and information on the reboot option. For Windows Services you can view the list of services and for Windows patch you can view the install path, install flags, and the information on the reboot information.

You cannot edit the properties of the software resources in the software policy. To edit the properties for a software resource, you must open the specific software resource window and edit.

Only for RPM packages and scripts, you can edit some of the properties in a software policy. For scripts you can specify the command options in a software policy. For RPM packages you can set the installation and update options in a software policy. See Setting installation and update options for a RPMfor more information.

To view the properties of a software resource in a software policy:

  1. From the navigation pane, select Library > By Type > Software Policies.
  2. From the content pane, select the policy and open it. The policy window appears.
  3. From the Views pane, select Policy Items. The policy items appear in the content pane.
  4. Select a policy item. The properties of that policy item appear in the details pane.