Use > Virtualization management > Virtual machine and VM template tasks > Deactivating the SA Agent on a VM

Deactivating the SA Agent on a VM

Deactivating the SA Agent on a virtual machine is the same as deactivating the agent on a physical machine: it makes the server no longer agent-managed. Virtual servers that are not agent-managed can still be managed by a Virtualization Service.

This is the same process used for physical servers, which are accessed under the Devices tab. For more information about the SA Agent and agent-managed servers, see the SA 10.50 User Guide

  1. In the SA Client, select the Virtualization tab to display your virtualization inventory.
  2. Navigate to the agent-managed VM you want to deactivate.
  3. Select the desired VMs and right-click or select the Actions menu and select Deactivate SA Agent.
  4. Verify that you want to deactivate the agent on the VM and select Deactivate.