Use > Virtualization management > Virtual machine and VM template tasks > Deleting a VM - vCenter and SCVMM

Deleting a VM - vCenter and SCVMM

To delete a VM, the SA Agent on the VM must be deactivated, and the VM must be powered off. You can delete several VMs at once. For more information, see Deactivating the SA Agent on a VM and Powering on/off a VM - vCenter and SCVMM .

  1. In the SA Client, select the Virtualization tab to display your virtualization inventory.
  2. Navigate to the VM you want to delete. If the VM is agent-managed, deactivate the agent. If the VM is powered on, power it off.
  3. Select the desired VM and right-click or select the Actions menu and select VM Manage > Delete to display the Delete Virtual Machines window.
  4. Delete Virtual Machines: Verify the VM that you want to delete, then select Next. Or you can select Start Job to accept the remaining defaults and run the job.
  5. Scheduling: Select when you want the delete VM job to run, then select Next.
  6. Notifications: Optionally enter a notifier, then select Next.
  7. Job Status: Select the Start Job or Schedule Job button. This runs the job or schedules it to be run in the future and displays the Job ID number in the window banner. You can use the Job ID number to look up the job under the Jobs and Sessions tab.

    When the job runs, it deletes the VM and displays the results.