Use > Virtualization management > Virtual machine and VM template tasks > Modifying a VM template - vCenter and SCVMM

Modifying a VM template - vCenter and SCVMM

This section describes how to modify certain aspects of a VM template. The following table shows the actions you can perform with an agent-managed VM template and an agentless VM template.

To modify other aspects of the VM template, you must deploy a VM from the VM template, modify the VM, and convert the modified VM to a new VM template. For more information, see Deploying a VM from a VM template - vCenter and Converting a VM to a VM template - vCenter .

VM template action



Open the VM template

Modify the name and description

Modify the customer with which the VM template is associated

Modify the Server Use setting

Add, modify, and delete custom attributes

Create a snapshot specification with the VM template

Deactivate the SA Agent on the VM template

Deploy a VM from the VM template

Delete the VM template

Reload data about the VM template

View event history for the VM template

Add the VM template to a device group

Attach software policies to the VM template

Attach patch policies to the VM template

Attach patch policies to the VM template

Attach application configurations to the VM template

Create an audit with the VM template


Export patch information from the VM template

Open the VM template with HPE Service Automation Visualizer

  1. In the SA Client, select the Virtualization tab to display your virtualization inventory.
  2. Navigate to the VM template you want to modify.
  3. Select the VM template and right-click or select the Actions menu. Select Open to display the VM template in a separate window.
  4. Navigate to the desired view of the VM template by selecting one of the tabs labeled Information, Relationships, and Inventory.
  5. Use the navigation pane on the left to locate the elements of the VM template you want to change, and make your changes.
  6. Select the File > Revert menu to discard your changes.

    Select the File > Save menu to save your changes.