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Base functions in se.view.engine

Display Action Description
save Performs update in Format Control and updates the record in the database if the update is valid.
add Performs add in Format Control and adds a new record to the database if the new record is valid.
ok If the record has changed, perform a save, otherwise exit.
reselect Re-selects the current record from the database (in case it was changed).
fill Fills information from a linked record into a target record. Puts information from a source field into a target field.
find Displays detailed information from the record linked to the field.
next Move to next record in the list (after checking for changes).
previous Move to previous record in the list (after checking for changes).
back Exit to list or search form.
menu Exits to the calling menu.
delete Performs delete Format Control and attempts to delete record from the database after validating the request.
views When selected, the system presents to the user a list of alternate forms in which to display the current record.
print Prints the current record.
printlist* Prints the current list of records.
validitylookup Performs Service Manager validity lookup. Validity lookup verifies via an entry in the validity table that a specific value is valid for the defined field. Using validity lookup, the system verifies that a user entered value complies with the validation rules.
export/unload Standard Service Manager export/unload functionality (multiple record).
massunload* Provides unload functionality for a list of records.
massadd* Adds a new set of records that exactly duplicates an existing set of records except that new set of records will have a unique key value updated with new data. At the end of the processing there will be twice as many records in the table.
massupdate* Provides the same updates to a set of specified fields in a list of records.
massdelete* Deletes a specified set of records from a table.
irquery Runs an IR Query text search.
expandarray Expand array provides additional functionality for editing arrays, such as insert line and delete line.
count* Counts records in the record list and displays the total count.
audithistory Calls the standard audit history routine. The audit history is determined by the fields to audit as defined in the auditdef table. / inbox* Saves the current query as a view.
approval.log Views the approval history for the current record.
alert.log Views the alert history for the current record.
alerts Views the current and scheduled alerts for the current record.
pagelist / listpages The page list shows a complete history of a record. When paging is enabled, every time an update is performed, a copy of the record is written to the page file. The page list shows the complete history of a record based on the paging file.
clocks Displays clock records associated with this record.
xmlfill Handles XML fields, such as the user options in Service Catalog.
createTemplate Creates a Template record out of the current record.
applyTemplate Applies an existing Template to the current record.


* These commands only apply if the record list functionality is being used.