Baseline statuses

Each baseline record requires a status, which determines where the record is in its life cycle. It is also requires that you indicate whether the changing of baseline attributes is allowed and whether associating CIs is allowed. Baseline records list the following status indicators in sequential order.

Status Sequence Description Allows editing attributes? Allows associating CIs?
Analysis 1 ITIL statuses that you can use to evaluate, plan, and implement your baseline record. Baselines in any of these statuses allow you to add, remove, or change attributes and attribute values, but prevent you from associating CIs because associated changes are not yet authorized. Yes No
Design 2 Yes No
Develop 3 Yes No
Authorized 4 This status indicates that the baseline is ready for use with your Configuration Management and Change Management processes. You can no longer edit attributes and attribute values without creating a new version of baseline. You can associate or disassociate CIs to an authorized baseline. No Yes
Retiring 5 This status indicates that you are disassociating CIs from this baseline and associating them to another baseline or version. After all CIs have been disassociated with this baseline, it is ready for the next status. No No
Retired 6 This status indicates a past baseline. Baselines in the retired status should not be associated with any CIs. All CIs should be associated with another version or baseline. No No

You can only change the baseline status from a lower sequence to a higher sequence. For example, you can change a baseline in the analysis status (sequence 1) directly to the authorized status (sequence 4), but you cannot change a retired baseline (sequence 6) to the analysis state (sequence 1). If you want to create an editable copy of an existing baseline, you can create a new version of the baseline. The new version starts with all the same attribute names and values as the old baseline, but the status returns to the analysis state.