Add configuration items to a contract

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

In Configuration Management, a company's assets are referred to as configuration items (CIs). CIs comprise items of value to the company, such as software, hardware, or furnishings. Configuration Management identifies, defines, and tracks organizational CIs by creating and managing records for those items. To associate an asset with a contract, you must first add the CI (asset) to the contract. If the terms and conditions of a contract change, you must update your list of assets.

To add configuration items to a contract, follow these steps:

  1. Click Configuration Management > Contracts > Contracts.
  2. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records.
  3. Select a contract record to associate one or more assets to that contract.
  4. Do one of the following to launch the Select Assets to Add to Contract wizard:
    • (For a non-software contract) In the Assets section, click Add Assets.
    • (For a software contract) In the Licenses section, click Add Licenses.
  5. Insert the cursor in the first blank line of the Asset field, and then click Fill .
  6. Type or select optional search criteria, and click Search to generate a record list of assets.
  7. Select the asset to associate with the contract, and then click Next


    If there are multiple assets for this contract, continue to select each of the assets. When you are finished, click Next. Configuration Management returns you to the original Assets or Licenses section and displays all the new assets that you specified.

  8. To allocate costs equally for all the assets in the contract, click Generate %.
  9. To allocate costs to an individual asset, double-click the asset link. HPE Service Manager displays the Allocation Information form. Type the percentage of the cost allocated to this asset in the % Cost Allocation field.
  10. Click Save and then Back to return to the Assets or Licenses section.


  • If you want assets to have unequal cost allocations, select them individually.
  • You can allocate costs manually for some assets, and then choose Generate % to allocate the remaining assets equally.