External information string actions

Event Services uses the third field of the external information string (EIS) to determine what type of action to perform on the specific change or task specified by one of the first two fields. The following table describes the supported actions.

Action Description
approve Approve a change or task.
disapprove Disapprove a change or task.
unapprove Unapprove a change or task.
open Create a new change or task.
update Update an existing change or task.
close Close current phase and advance to the next phase, if applicable.
reopen Reopen a change or task in the current phase.

When the action is an approval action (either an approve, disapprove, or unapprove), the Change Management Group or Operator Name that is performing the approval action must be specified in the fourth field of the EIS. The group or operator specified must match one of the approval groups specified in the change or task record for the approval action to complete properly.