Use advanced search

User roles: All users

You can use advanced search to narrow the results of a simple search or to restrict your search to certain conditions. In the advanced search, you can specify what knowledgebases and document categories HPE Service Manager searches. You can also specify a set of filtering parameters such as exact phrase and creation date.

To use advanced search, follow these steps:

  1. Click Knowledge Management > Search Knowledgebase.
  2. Click the Advanced button.
  3. Type the key words or phrases you want to search for.
  4. Select the knowledgebase libraries to narrow your search.
  5. Provide advanced search filters you want to use.

    Tip Select specific criteria if you can. For example, you can use the date fields to specify a particular date and time range.

  6. Click Search.

    HPE Service Manager returns a list of documents matching your search request. If there are no results, type a new search string for your search or specify additional search criteria.