Access the macro lister

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Macro conditions are expressions written in HPE Service Manager RAD syntax that evaluate at run time. If the expression evaluates to true, the macro executes. If the expression does not evaluate to true, the macro cannot proceed.

To access the macro lister and define a macro to use in Request Management:

  1. Click Tailoring > Tailoring Tools > Macros.
  2. Click Add.

    The macro editor opens. You can define a macro to use in Request Management.

  3. In the Macro Name field, type a unique name for this new macro.
  4. In the Applies When field, select a pre-defined event from the list of options when this macro should execute. For example, when a change request is saved.
  5. In the Macro Condition field, define when this macro should execute. For example, to enter an expression for the condition when a service request is opened you can type requested in $"open".
  6. Click Set Parameters to establish the parameters for this macro.

    Note: The available fields in this form vary depending on the value in the Macro Type field in the edit form for your new macro.

  7. Provide additional information where needed. For example, send page to a specific phone or contact and construct a message.
  8. Click OK.

    You are returned to the macro list form.

  9. Click Search from the macro list to refresh the list of macros, and then click OK.