Add a quote phase

  1. Click Request Management > Quotes > Quote Phases. A blank phase definition form opens.
  2. Click Search to generate a record list.
  3. Click the name of a phase definition on which you want to base your new quote phase. The phase definition form opens, containing the definition data of the selected quote phase.
  4. Clear the name from the Name field, and then type a unique name for the new quote phase.
  5. Modify the new phase record by providing your information in each of the following tabs. The information should be relevant to the system behavior and level of control you want an operator to have on a quote in this phase.
    • Definition
    • Controls - When updating or adding a new phase definition record, you can provide both the button label and the balloon help text in the Close Description field. The format is Button label;Balloon help.
    • Alerts
    • Approvals
    • Model/Line Items
    • Scripts/Views
  6. Click Add to add the new phase to the system.

    A list of events opens.

    Caution: Make sure that you do not click Save because doing so will replace the existing phase with the new phase you are attempting to add.

  7. To restrict the new quote phase to certain events, select only those events.
    1. Double-click an event and review the event form to make sure you want to add the phase to this event.
    2. To go back to the list of events and continue to browse through the events, click Back.
    3. To add the phase to this event, click OK.
    4. Continue steps a. through c. to select the applicable events for this new quote phase.
    5. When you are done, click Back.
    6. Click OK.
  8. To add the new quote phase to all events, do the following:
    1. Click Add to All.
    2. Click OK.