Data types

The HPE Service Manager data type specifies the expected format of a field's data. The data type determines the possible range of values of the set, the operations that can be performed on the values, and the way values are stored in memory. Defining a data type enables the system to manipulate the data appropriately. The values are denoted either by literals or variables. They also can be obtained as a result of operations. Data types can be either primitive or compound.

Note System Administrators and implementers should only use types 1 through 4 or 8 to 10.

List: Data types

Data type Numeric representation Compound / Primitive Purpose
number 1 Primitive Used for all numeric type data.
character 2 Primitive Used for character strings.
time (date/time) 3 Primitive Used for absolute dates and times as well as relative time intervals.
Boolean (logical) 4 Primitive Used to represent true or false.
label 5 Primitive Used to define exits.
File/record 6 Compound used to define a table or record.
Offset 7 Compound This is the compiled version of a label. It is used within the code for the go to statements.
Array 8 Compound Used to represent multiple fields of the same data type.
Structure 9 Compound Used to represent a collection of fields of the same or different data types.
Operator 10 Primitive Used in expressions.
Expression 11 Primitive Used to represent parsed Rapid Application Development (RAD) language expressions.
Pseudo field 12 Compound Used similarly to functions, it converts input data into output data.
Global variable 13 Compound Used for variables visible to the whole system.
Local variable 14 Compound Used for variables only visible to the RAD application