Smart classification

This smart classification RESTful API is used to get the classifications suggested by Smart Analytics.


POST http://<SM Server Address>:13080/SM/9/rest/SmartAnalytics/1/action/suggest

An example of the request body:

    in:'{filename: "incidents", title: "test", description: ["test"], callback_contact: "AARON, JIM"}',

Response example:

Note You can ignore the messages in the response as these messages are printed by the Restful framework.

    "Messages": [
        "Invalid syntax for query.  Failed parsing",
        "Invalid syntax for query.  Failed parsing",
    "ReturnCode": 0,
    "SmartAnalytics": {
        "in": "{filename: \"incidents\", title: \"test\", description: [\"test\"], callback_contact: \"AARON, JIM\"}",
        "out": "{\"category\":\"incident\",\"subcategory\":\"hardware\",\"product.type\":\"hardware failure\",\"affected.item\":null}"