Administer > Status and Notifications > Notifications > Example: Creating an email notification for change updates

Example: Creating an email notification for change updates

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

The following example describes how to set up a notification that meets the following requirements:

  • The notification sends an email message when a change record is updated.
  • The email message displays "Change [Num] Updated by [Operator]" where [Num] represents the number of the updated change and [Operator] represents the name of the operator who updated the change.
  • The email message is sent to the Change Manager.

Task 1: Create a custom message record

To create a custom message record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Notifications > Messages.
  2. Specify the properties as listed in the following table.

    Name Value
    Language Code en
    Class ndp
    Message Number 9001
    Severity 3
    Text Change %S Updated by %S
    Comments Sent when a change is updated.
  3. Click Add.

Task 2: Create a custom notification definition record

To create a custom notification record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Notifications > Notifications.
  2. Type NDP Change Update in the Name field, and then click Add. An ID is automatically created.
  3. Type true in the Condition field.
  4. On the Message tab, add a message entry in the list with properties listed in the following table:



    Msg Class


    Msg No.


    {number in $L.file,operator in $L.file}



    Notify Method




    Note Set Msg No to an unassigned number. Use a custom message class for the Msg Class field.

  5. Click Save.

Task 3: Enable the notification in the object record

To enable the notification in the object record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Document Engine > Objects.
  2. Type =cm3r in the File name field, and click Search.
  3. Click the Notifications tab, verify that the Update field is empty, and then type NDP Change Update in the Update field.
  4. Click Save.

Task 4: Test the notification

To test the notification, follow these steps:

  1. Temporarily turn off the email agent that you are using, such as SCEmail, or switch it to debug mode. This is to make sure that newly created email messages remain in the eventout table.

  2. Click Change Management > Search Changes.
  3. Use the Search feature to locate a change record.

    Example: C10001.

  4. Modify the Description field.
  5. In the Activities section, select Update for the New Update Time field, and write a description in the New Update field.
  6. Click Save to save the changes.
  7. Click Tailoring > Event Services > Output Events.
  8. Type email in the Event Code field, and click Search.
  9. Verify that an event record is created that has an External Information String that resembles the following.^falcon^^Change C10001 Updated by falcon^Change C10001 Updated by falcon