Develop > Tailoring > Advanced functions > Scripting > Using fill boxes in script forms

Using fill boxes in script forms

For a Fill box to function properly on a script form, you must create the following additional records:

  • Link record: Select Link from the Options menu in Forms Designer and establish a link between the field in your script form and the field in the source file.
  • Format Control record: Select Format Control from the Options menu in Forms Designer and add a Format Control record granting Fill privileges.
  • Displayscreen record: The displayscreen controls the options that are displayed with a form. Create a displayscreen record in which you define displayoptions for your script forms, including a Fill button. Enter the Screen ID of your new record in the Display Screen field of each script definition that displays a form in which a Fill box appears. You can create unique displayscreen records for each form in the script flow or associate a single record with all the forms.

Note: You can use a combination of displayscreen records and Format Control to activate Fill buttons in your script.

Displayscreen record options

If you create a displayscreen record and want to bind its options to more than one script form, you must enter the local variable $L.script.format in the Format field of the displayscreen record. This variable is hard coded into the script.execute application.

Defining displayoptions for script forms

When defining displayoptions for your script forms, refer to the following list of possible actions that are hard coded into the script.execute application. Your choice of options in the Action field is limited to the values in this list:

  • ok
  • back
  • cancel
  • skip
  • views
  • extend
  • find
  • fill
  • validatefield
  • redraw
  • re draw
  • closeapplication

Note: Use the ok action when defining a Continue option.