Develop > Tailoring > Data management > Fields and Keys tab > Edit a field in a table

Edit a field in a table

Note: You must use the Windows client whenever you need to add or edit a field/key in a database dictionary table.

  1. From the System Navigator, click Tailoring > Database Dictionary.
  2. Place the cursor in the File Name field and click Search.
  3. From the System Definition utility overview, click the Fields tab.
  4. Click Edit Field/Key.
  5. If necessary, click the plus sign (+) to expand array structures.
  6. Click a field to view its general properties, data policy, and editing rules on the right side of the window. Add or update any of the following:

    General propertiesTypeYou can change type if the field is one of these types:

    Date time

    Changing the data type can produce unpredictable results. Proceed with caution.
    CaptionField caption
    Rename the fieldYou can rename the field; however, proceed with caution. Renaming a field can invalidate existing queries.
    Create (or Edit) default help on this fieldCreate a new Help record or edit the existing Help record.
    Search for specific help on this field in formsYou can search for an existing field help topic to apply to this field. Click Search to generate a record list of available field help topics.
    AliasesNewClick New, type a new alias name, and click OK.
    DeleteSelect an existing alias and click to remove it.
    RenameSelect an existing alias, click Rename, type a new alias name, and click OK.
    Data policyDefault valueA default value for the field is optional.
    Data encrypted (encryption status).Select or clear the checkbox.
    Match table
    Match field
    Define or enforce foreign key relationships. For example, you can specify that the field in one table must match a valid field from another table.
    Editing rulesMandatoryType true if the field must appear on the form.
    Validation ruleSpecify a condition that is true or false.
    Read-onlyType true if users cannot change the field value.
    InvisibleType true if the field should be invisible.
    Available in listsType true if the field should appear in a list.

  7. If you make any updates, click Save.

Tip: You can edit any field or key directly from the System Navigator. Double-click the field or key to view the details with the System Definition utility.