Use field comparisons

Here are some examples of using field comparisons.

  • Making a certain field visible only when the category of a record equals "network."
    • Assume that the category can be selected via a drop-down list whose Input is defined as $category.
      You can specify the visibility dependency by assigning the following to the Visible Condition property of the field: 
      [$category] = "network"
    • Instead of a variable, a drop-down list can use a record field as input. If the field is named "category," set up the "Visible Condition" as follows: 
      [category] = "network"

  • Adding a DVD visible condition to a field:

  • Specifying an inequality comparison:
    [$category] <> "network" (that is, category is not network)

  • Using complex conditions or statements to create a conditional property for a control on a form.
    • [$category]="network"&[$subcategory]="modem"
    • [$category]="network"|[$category]="DEFAULT"
      Complex conditions are true only if both parts of the condition are true.