Develop > Tailoring Best Practice Guide > Database (RDBMS) mapping > Database dictionary (DBDICT) utility

Database dictionary (DBDICT) utility

The database dictionary (DBDICT) utility allows you to view, create, and update the Service Manager logical files, fields, and keys that your system maps to tables, columns, and indexes in your relational database management system (RDBMS). The key benefits of the DBDICT utility over other database management utilities are:

  • You can define or change how Service Manager maps array data
  • You can create database definition language (DDL) for any additions and changes in environments where Service Manager does not have access rights to your RDBMS
  • You can view and create mappings to null tables in environments where Service Manager does not have access rights to your RDBMS
  • You can create mappings by importing columns from your RDBMS

See the Service Manager help for more information about using the DBDICT utility to create database dictionary records.


  • When modifying a dbdict record, ensure that there are no other users updating existing records or inserting new records in the same file; otherwise errors will occur. For example, when updating the probsummary dbdict, make sure that there are no other users updating existing incidents or opening new incidents.
  • Do not change (add, modify, or delete) any of the Service Manager system tables, such as the scmessage table. These tables are used by Service Manager to provide the basic functionality that allows the system to function. In addition, use extreme caution when modifying the records in a system table.