View an artifact


URI /artifact/<artifact_id>
Method GET


 Required; the user ID you want to use as credentials for this API call. See Get userIdentifier for the steps required to get the userIdentifier value.


  Optional; default is base. If value is base, then the object is returned. If value is baseplusone, then the object and its first level children are returned. If value is subtree, then the object and all of its descendants are returned. If the value is vie, then the view parameter is required.


  Optional; default is full. See Values for the detail parameter

Note Some API calls do not support all possible values for this parameter.

detail=FULL, even as the default value, is not accepted for organization artifacts because the volume of content returned can be excessively large. Specify detail=BASIC to avoid an exception message.


    Required when value for scope is view; if this parameter is defined, then the value for scope is processed as if its value was view. The default is basicinfo. See Artifact views for a list of view types.


 Optional; default is true. If the value is true, then the output fields of the REST response are restricted. By default, the following fields are not displayed: createdBy, updatedBy, createdOn, updatedOn, description, iconUrl, and categoryType. If the value is false, then the output fields are displayed.

For more information, see Values for the restrict parameter

Returns 200 - Ok
401 - Not authorized
404 - Object not found
500 - Server exception


Use the following URL:


The following XML was returned in the response:

  <name>TestEnv_November 17, 2012 1:24:55 AM UTC</name>
      <displayName>Artifact State</displayName>
    <description>Resource Environment</description>
    <displayName>Resource Environment</displayName>
      <displayName>Artifact Type</displayName>