Silent mode

To launch the HPE Cloud Content Capsule Installer in Console mode for Windows and Linux systems, complete the following steps:

  1. Log on to the server as root or administrative user.
  2. Open a command prompt window.
  3. Open the silent_install.xml file with an editor.
  4. Note: The silent_install.xml file is bundled with the file.

  5. Modify the following XML elements:

    1. Provide the absolute path(s) of the <capsule-download>.zip file.

    2. Update the necessary XML elements for HPE CSA credentials.

      For information about sample XML file for silent installation mode, see Sample silent.xml File for Silent Mode Installation .

  6. Save the changes to the silent_install.xml file.
  7. Make sure that the silent_install.xml file is in the same directory as the .jar file installer.
  8. Navigate to the location, where the .jar installer is saved.
  9. Execute the following command:

    java –jar CapsuleInstaller.jar –silent

    This deploys all of the available content from the content pack using the silent_install.xml file.

    If the file name is other than silent_install.xml, then the file name must be added after the -silent flag.

    For example, java -jar CapsuleInstaller.jar -silent <silent_file_name>