Use > Marketplace Portal > Requests


A new request is created when you:

  • Submit an order for a subscription to a service offering.
  • Make a change to an existing service offering subscription.
  • Request that a service offering subscription be canceled.
  • Cancel an active request.

  • Cancel an active subscription.
  • Delete an active subscription.

Note The buttons and options displayed in the Requests view depend on your user role. Different user roles have different set of permissions to perform actions. For more information on user roles and their associated permissions, see User Roles.

Before you create a request, be aware of the following approval requirements:

  • Requests for new subscriptions and for modifications to existing subscriptions might require management approval.

  • Requests for the cancellation of subscriptions do not require approval.

Note Depending on the approval policy for the service offering you are requesting, approval might be required from more than one approver.

To manage your requests, select the My Orders tile in the Marketplace Portal Dashboard More Actions section to see a list of all requests submitted. By default, the list of Requests displays All Request Types, All Request States, and Newest First.

Note For each service request, pricing precision can display up to five digits. This pricing is based on the original service offering configuration.

When you select the My Orders tile, the Requests view displays a scrollable list of your requests submitted during the last month. This is the default list order. To customize your view, you can sort and filter the list of requests. You can also view only the requests for service offerings from a specific category by using the All Request Types drop-down filter. When there are multiple versions of a service offering, the version number displays in parenthesis next to the name of each offering listed in the Requests view.

In the Requests view, some service offerings in this list display the initial price of the subscription and the recurring fee for the subscription, and some service offerings do not display these prices. Your Consumer Organization Administrator configures the option to show or hide this pricing information in Marketplace Portal views. Depending on the configuration setting, these prices will or will not display in several views within the Marketplace Portal, such as Browse Catalog, Browse Catalog Details, Requests, Request Details, Request Confirmation, Subscriptions, and Subscription Details. As a best practice, your Consumer Organization Administrator might want to hide these prices if they will be used for department bill back purposes. For more information, see the CSA Management Console Help.

Tip Click the magnifying glass to find a certain request by a meaningful keyword. Search results display in the Requests view.

In the Requests view, you can perform the following tasks:

  • View detailed request information. In the Request Details view, you can perform actions, such as reorder a service.
  • Cancel requests, one at a time or all at the same time. When you cancel requests all at the same time, only requests that are currently loaded in the Requests list view will be canceled.

  • Delete requests, one at a time or all at the same time. When you delete requests all at the same time, only requests that are currently loaded in the Requests list view will be deleted.