Integrate > Microsoft SCOM > Configure > Starting the Integration Services

Starting the Integration Services

To start the integration services you configured for a Microsoft SCOM instance with the Configuration Utility, perform the following:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window with administrative privileges.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To start all configured integration services for all Microsoft SCOM instances that OpsCx for Microsoft SCOM is integrated with, run the following command:

      ovc -start SCOM

    • To start the chosen configured integration services for a Microsoft SCOM instance, follow the steps:

      1. Run the following command:

        ovc -start <ServiceName>

        In this instance, <ServiceName> is the proper actual value. For information about the integration services and their naming convention, see Integration Services topic.

      2. Repeat the previous step for each integration service you want to start.
  3. To make sure the integration services are running, run the following command:

    ovc -status SCOM

    The command reports the Running status for each service you started.

    Startup of the services initiates data collection from the integrated Microsoft SCOM instance and forwarding of the data to OMi.

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Integration Services