Use > Application configuration concepts and tasks > Application Configuration tasks > Attaching an Application Configuration to a server or device group

Attaching an Application Configuration to a server or device group

After you have created an Application Configuration, added all the necessary configuration templates and scripts and edited its default values, you must attach it to a server or public device group. Once you attach an Application Configuration to a server or group of servers, you must push the application configuration to the servers as described in Pushing Application Configurations.

  • The customer setting of the folder containing the application configuration must include the customer setting of the managed servers where you intend to push the application configuration. For more information on folder settings, see “Folder Permissions” in the SA Administering. For more information about servers and customers, “Customer Accounts” in the Using.
  • You can only attach Application Configurations to individual servers or to public device groups. You cannot attach them to private device groups.

Attaching an Application Configuration to a single server

Shortcut: Devices tab > select Servers > All Managed Servers > right-click> Attach > Application Configuration > choose a configuration file > click OK.

To attach an Application Configuration to a single server:

  1. From the SA Client navigation pane, select the Devices tab.
  2. Select Servers > All Managed Servers.
  3. From the Content pane, select a server.
  4. Select the Actions > Open menu.
  5. Select the Management Policies tab, then select Configured Applications.
  6. Select the Installed Configurations tab.
  7. Select the Actions > Add Configuration... menu.
  8. In the Select Application Configuration screen, select the Application Configuration that you want to attach to the managed server.
    You can use the search tool to search by a specific criteria such as name, date last modified, and so on.

    The customer setting of the folder containing the application configuration must include the customer setting of the managed servers where you intend to push the application configuration. For more information on folder settings, see “Folder Permissions” in the SA 10.50 Administration Guide. For more information about servers and customers, “Customer Accounts” in the SA 10.50 User Guide.

  9. Select OK to attach the Application Configuration to the server.
  10. Select the Save Changes button.
  11. You can now set the Application Configuration’s values for that server. For more information on setting up the Application Configuration values, see Value sets.

Attaching an Application Configuration to a device group

To attach an Application Configuration to a device group:

You can only attach Application Configurations to public device groups. You cannot attach Application Configurations to private device groups.

  1. From the SA Client navigation pane, select the Devices tab.
  2. Open the Device Groups node and navigate to a public device group.
  3. From the Content pane, select the desired device group.
  4. Select the Actions > Open menu.
  5. In the device group screen, select the Configured Applications view.
  6. Select the Actions > Add Configuration menu.
  7. In the Select Application Configuration dialog box, select an Application Configuration.
    Use the search tool to search by a specific criteria such as name, date last modified and so on.
  8. Enter an Instance Name. This is the name of the value set at the group instance level. For more information, see Setting values at the group instance level.
  9. Select OK to attachthe Application Configuration to the device group. The specified configuration file can be pushed to all servers in the group.
  10. Set the values to be pushed to the servers. For more information on setting values, see Value sets.