Use > Application configuration concepts and tasks > Application Configuration tasks > Running data manipulation scripts manually

Running data manipulation scripts manually

The Run Script button allows you to execute a data manipulation script associated with an application configuration and to prepare a target configuration file on a managed server so its values can be imported into a value set.

To run a data manipulation script manually:

  1. From the SA Client navigation pane, select the Devices tab.
  2. Select either All Managed Servers or Device Groups. Navigate to the desired server or device group.
  3. Select a server or device group and select the Actions > Open menu.
  4. If you selected a server, perform the following steps. If you selected a device group, skip to the next step.
    1. Select the Management Policies tab.
    2. Open the Configured Applications node in the navigation pane. This displays all the application configurations attached to the server.
    3. Open the application configuration node you want to push. This displays the value sets for the application configuration.
    4. Select the application configuration instance you want to push.
  5. If you selected a device group, perform the following steps.
    1. Open the Configured Applications node in the navigation pane. This displays all the application configurations attached to the servers and a list of all the servers.
    2. Open the Servers node. This displays all the servers in the device group.
    3. Open the particular server node where you want to run the data manipulation script. This displays the application configuration attached to that server.
    4. Open the application configuration node you want to push. This displays the value sets for the application configuration.
    5. Select the value set you want to push. You must select a value set at the server instance level.
  6. With a value set at the server instance level selected, select the Run Script button. This displays the confirmation dialog.
  7. Select Yes to run the data-manipulation script on the server.
  8. Once the data-manipulation script has run, extracted the configuration data and placed it into a text file, you can manage the text file the same as any other configuration file and place the data from the text file back into its original form.