Importing and validating a template file

You can write a CML template or an XML template with a text editor and import it into the SA Library for use in an Application Configuration. You can also validate the template from SA before importing it (see Configuration templates and script templates).

For configuration files on Windows servers which are encoded in UTF-8, the first three characters of the configuration file might contain a Byte Order Mark (BOM). If you import this file into an Application Configuration Template, the BOM will appear in the template after the file is imported. If you do not want this BOM to be included in the Application Configuration Template, remove it after you upload the configuration file into the template.

UTF-16 encoding is not supported in the SA Client.

To validate and import a template file:

  1. From the SA Client select the Navigation pane, select Library then select the By Type tab.
  2. Locate and open the Application Configuration node. Open the Templates node. Open the operating system group and select the operating system where the template file will be used. Note that a template can apply to multiple operating systems. You can specify this in a later step.
  3. Select the Actions > Validate Template... menu.
  4. Locate and select your template file, select the appropriate encoding and select Open. SA checks the syntax of your template and reports the results. If there are errors in the file, correct them and revalidate.
  5. Select the Actions > Import Template... menu.
  6. Locate and select your template file, select the appropriate encoding and select Open. Note that UTF-16 encoding is not supported in the SA Client. SA imports the template and displays the Template screen.
  7. Follow the steps under test text starting from step 4.