Searching and filter job results

You can search and filter the results of a push or restore job. This is useful when your job runs on a large number of servers. Note that you can search and filter any kinds of SA jobs, not just push and restore jobs.

To search and filter results:

  1. From the SA Client navigation pane, select the Jobs and Sessions tab.
  2. Select Job Log. This displays a list of jobs that have run on your servers.
  3. Select a job from the job list.
  4. Select the Actions > Open menu. This displays the details of the selected job.
  5. In the job screen, select Job Status. This displays the results of the job.
  6. Select any step in the Actions column.
  7. On your keyboard, type Ctrl-F. This displays the Find tool for the steps in the job. Enter the text you want to search for in the text box and use the buttons to search and highlight.
  8. Select the detailed text in the lower box.
  9. On your keyboard, type Ctrl-F. This displays the Find tool for the details of the job results. Enter the text you want to search for in the text box and use the buttons to search and highlight.
  10. To remove the Find tool, select the text box and type Esc on your keyboard.