Use > Application configuration concepts and tasks > Application Configuration tasks > Detaching an Application Configuration from a server or device group

Detaching an Application Configuration from a server or device group

To detach an application configuration from a server you must open the server and remove all the instances of the application configuration at the server instance level. To detach an application configuration from a device group you must open the device group and remove all the instances at the group instance level. The following sections provide details.

Detaching an Application Configuration from a server

To detach an application configuration from a server, you must remove all the instances at the server instance level as described below. For more information, see Setting values at the server level.

To detach an application configuration from a server:

  1. Open the server in the SA Client. The application configuration must be attached to the server. See Attaching an Application Configuration to a server or device group.
  2. Select the Management Policies tab on the left.
  3. Open the Configured Applications node in the Management Policies pane on the left.
  4. Open the desired application configuration node under the Configured Applications node. This displays all the instances of the application configuration at the server instance level.
  5. Under the application configuration node, select one of the instances.
  6. Select the Actions > Remove Configuration menu or right-click and select the Remove Configuration menu. This removes the selected instance.
  7. Repeat Under the application configuration node, select one of the instances. and Select the Actions > Remove Configuration menu or right-click and select the Remove Configuration menu. This removes the selected instance. for each instance. When you remove the last instance, the application configuration is detached from the server.
  8. Click Save Changes.

Detaching an Application Configuration from a device group

To detach an application configuration from a device group, you must remove all the instances of the application configuration at the group instance level as described below. For more information, see Setting values at the group level.

To detach an application configuration from a device group:

  1. From the SA Client navigation pane, select the Devices tab.
  2. Open the Device Groups node and navigate to a public device group.
  3. From the Content pane, select the desired device group.
  4. Select the Actions > Open menu.
  5. In the device group screen, select the Configured Applications view and open the Configured Application node. This displays the application configurations attached to the device group.
  6. Open the desired application configuration node under the Configured Applications node. This displays the value sets at the group instance level.
  7. Under the desired application configuration node, select one of the application configuration instances at the group instance level.
  8. Select the Actions > Remove Configuration menu or right-click and select the Remove Configuration menu. This removes the selected instance.
  9. Repeat step 7 and step 8 above for each instance at the server instance level. When you remove the last instance, the application configuration is detached from the server.
  10. Click Save Changes.