Use > Application configuration concepts and tasks > Application Configuration tasks > Localizing configuration file element names

Localizing configuration file element names

You can display the names of configuration file elements in your local language in the value set editor of the SA Client. This can be useful when your system administrators who will be specifying value sets use a different language.

Localization files represent locale-specific resource files, where you define localized strings for configuration template elements. These localized strings display in the value set editor.

Localization templates are used only in the value set editor in the SA Client and are ignored during a push.

Creating a localization file

To localize the names of configuration file elements in the SA Client, you must first create a localization template in the SA Library.

To create a localization file:

  1. From the SA Client navigation pane, select Library and then select the By Type tab.
  2. Locate and open the Application Configuration node. Open the Templates node. Open the operating system group and select the operating system where the template file will be used. Note that a template can apply to multiple operating systems. You can specify this in a later step.
  3. Select the Actions > New menu. This displays the Templates screen where you define the properties of the template.
  4. Select the Properties view and enter a description of the localization template file as well as the following information:
    • Name: Specify the name of the localization file. The naming convention for localization template files requires that localization files end with .<locale>. The values for <locale> are defined by ISO-639 and are two-letter lower case codes for representing the names of languages. For more information on ISO 639, see
    • For example, .es represents Spanish, .en represents English, .fr represents French, .zh represents Chinese, and .hi represents Hindi.
    • Location: Specify where in the SA Library you want to store the localization template.
    • Version: The version can be any string you use for tracking changes to the template. The version is not incremented automatically.
    • Type: Specify Localization file as the type.
    • Availability: Use this setting to keep track of which localization files are tested and ready to be used and which are not yet tested or are deprecated. This setting does not change what can be done with the localization file. You can use this field value as a search criteria.
  5. Select Content view.
  6. Enter your localization instructions directly in the template editor.
    • The format for display text localization instructions is:

      printable/<name space>/<variable> <localized string>

      Where printable is the key word indicating that the line is a localization instruction for display text.

      <name space> is the name space where the desired variable is stored in the database.

      <variable> is the variable defined in a configuration template.

      <localized string> is the text that will be displayed in the value set editor instead of the full name space and variable name.

    • The format for tool tip localization instructions is:

      description/<name space>/<variable> <localized string>

      Where description is the key word indicating that the line is a localization instruction for tool tip text.

      <name space> and <variable> are the same as above.

      <localized string> is the text that will be displayed in the value set editor when someone hovers the mouse over the item.

    See Editing CML or XML in a template for the editing operations and syntax highlighting.

  7. Select Validate to parse the syntax and check for errors.
  8. Select File > Save to save your template.
  9. Add your localization template to an application configuration object as described in Applying a localization template.

Applying a localization template

After creating a localization template, you apply it to an application configuration so the configuration file elements display in your local language.

To apply a localization template to an application configuration:

  1. Open your application configuration object as follows.
    1. From the SA Client navigation pane, select Library and then select the By Type tab.
    2. Locate and open the Application Configuration node. Open the Configurations node. Open the operating system group and navigate to the operating system where the Application Configuration is. Note that an Application Configuration can apply to multiple operating systems.
    3. Select an Application Configuration and select Actions > Open.
  2. Select the Properties view.
  3. Under the Localization Files in the content pane, select the “+” button.
  4. In the Select Localization Template screen, select a localization template.
  5. Select OK.
  6. Select File > Save. This applies your localization template and displays the configuration file elements in the language specified by the localization template. Whenever anyone displays the value set editor for the application configuration, the localized strings will be displayed rather than the raw name space and variable names.