Add keys to bottom of the key list

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You can add keys to the bottom of the key list by using System Definition or the Database Dictionary utility. Choose one of the following methods to add keys.

Note: You must use the Windows client whenever you need to add a new field/key to a database dictionary table.

Add keys to the bottom of the key list by using System Definition

To add keys to the bottom of the key list by using the System Definition:

  1. In the System Navigator, click System Definition > Tables > file_name > Database Definition > Keys.

    Note: To expand any table in the record list, type the first letter of a table name to jump to that alphabetic section. For example, type o to jump to the oncall table.

  2. Right click New > Key.
  3. Select the key type, and then click OK.

    Your new key appears in the key list without a (+) sign to the left, because the key is still empty.

  4. Drag the fields you want for that key from the Fields node and drop them on the key.
  5. Right-click Save on the Database Definition node to save your changes.

Add keys to bottom of the key list by using the Database Dictionary utility

Example: Add a concatenated key including the fields sysmodtime and sysmoduser to the bottom of the key list.

To add keys to the bottom of the key list by using the Database Dictionary utility:

  1. Open the file in the database dictionary, and then scroll down the keys until you reach the bottom of the list.

    The last key in the unitofmeasure database dictionary record is language.key.

    This is a single key, because it contains only one field. If the key is a concatenated key, regardless of how many fields are included in the key, only two fields are displayed in the key list.

    To view all fields contained in a concatenated key, you must use the scroll arrow buttons to the right of the array, or edit the key.

    The blank header represents the beginning of the next key. The number of lines displayed per key depends on the number of fields concatenated in that key.

    Position the cursor on the blank header field located below the key type, and then click New Field/Key to display the key definition window.

  2. Type Nulls & Duplicates in the Type field, or select Nulls & Duplicates from the Type list.
  3. Select the fields array, and then do the following:
    • Type sysmodtime in the first field of the array.
    • Type sysmoduser in the second field of the fields array.
    • Click Add to commit this new key to the database dictionary file.

      HPE Service Manager displays the message: Key added to the unitofmeasure file.

      The concatenated key comprised of sysmodtime and sysmoduser now appears in the bottom of the list of keys in the unitofmeasure database dictionary record.

    • Place the cursor in the applicable position in the keys section of the database dictionary record, and then click New to add additional keys to the database dictionary record without closing the window.
  4. You can reedit your database dictionary record, update it, or cancel without updating.

    Note: You must update your database dictionary record when adding a new key, or the database dictionary record will remain the same.

  5. Press OK once you are finished adding keys to the database dictionary record, to close and automatically update the file.

    This returns the message Record updated in the dbdict file.

  6. You can continue by doing one of the following:
    • Click OK (regen file) to continue with the regen.
    • Click Cancel (F3) to abort the regen and restore the database dictionary record to the version prior to the latest changes.
    • Schedule a time for the file regeneration, using Schedule (clock button).
  7. To remove the key, select it and click Edit.

    The edit window appears.

  8. Ignore the edit window and instead click Delete on the main record format.
  9. The next viable key is displayed. If you do not modify this key, click OK.

    You are returned to the database dictionary record, minus the key.

  10. Click OK to save the record.